Yet another new hobby year has come upon us! That means its time to take a look back at what I did over the year. I decided to add some pictures of my favorites throughout. But first lets look at what I said I would do. Of my three resolutions I only accomplished one, updating the look of the blog. However, I think I'm pretty close to number two: actually playing a game with my 15 mm stuff. That one might happen pretty soon if I can get my terrain boards done. The last was 50 posts for the year and I really didn't get close to that one.
I made some hedges and fields in 15mm. Need to do more. Never can have enough hedges and fields! |
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My first theme entry for the Painting Challenge and my favorite project of the year. Its currently on display in my curio cabinet in my house where visitors can gawk and try to figure out how far around the bend I am. |
I managed to work on a couple of different projects this year. Some more in my 15mm stuff: The Steamworks and starting work on my 28mm dungeon delving: King under the Hill. But if I had to pick one thing out from the past year I would say joining the Painting Challenge has been the best thing of the year. It has been a definite spur to get painting done and has allowed me to work on a variety of projects. The bonus is that it continues on into this year as well.
I finished off a long standing project. Expect to see a couple more of these guys appearing in the Challenge too. |
So what do I want to do for this year?
Steamworks: I want to get that first game in and get more minis painted up and more of the world developed on the blog. Also I really want to try working on building up the 19th century urban terrain. This might be the year I delve into 3D printing finally.
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My second theme entry for the Challenge. I'm really happy with how these pictures turned out for them. |
King Under the Hill: My second big project but more loose than the first. I've been having a lot of fun working on the more detailed 28mm stuff for this. I'd like to get a basic set of terrain options and miniatures put together. Something where I could pretend I could play a game although I have no idea what that would consist of at this point.
I finished a piece of my dungeon set. Although this is more for picture taking. Still, proof of concept! |
More sculpting: I tend to be hit and miss here. More normal modus operandi is to get about 2/3 done with a sculpt for a project and then abandon it to never be finished. I'm hoping I'll both go back and finish some off and also just start sculpting things that interest me instead of trying to necessarily work on specific things to fit in larger projects. So you might be seeing some oddball stuff.
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I finished two Dreadball teams. That means I can actually play a game now! Ha Ha don't expect a battle report anytime soon. |
I hope everyone has a Happy and Hobby-Filled New Years!